“Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.” “What you don’t talk out, you act out.” That is the profound truth that lies at the core of the mass shootings that plague American society. You must watch this Ted Talk!!!...
Emotional, psychological hurt lodges in the deep recesses of our unconscious memory. Traumatic hurt of the type visited upon us by chronic insults to the quality of our security, both as children and as adults, lodges in places in our brain which cognitive behavioral...
As someone who has struggled with the “you’re not good enough” voice for his entire life, hearing my partner shift this morning from, “you don’t have to figure that out,” to “I know that must be tough” instantly moved me...
At 12 sessions in a mid 40’s male client shredding through primary shame implanted via his relationship with a profoundly neglectful father and a mother cowed by father’s narcissistic behavior shared, “I am coming to terms that my life is not...
“Forget about the notion that our emotions can be kept at bay” Dave Matthews Walking this morning and pondering the hard lessons that creating fundament shift in relationship is deeply challenging with only one trying to change. This hard lesson is coming...
Despite what zillions of individuals believe, write prose and poetry about, sing, clash, fight and sadly even kill about, “Love is NOT a mystery!” It is a survival code deeply wired into our DNA, and the DNA of all mammals. It is a language. This language...