He Quietly Reaches For You.

He quietly reaches for you. Your tears of pain, of hurt, of confusion and self loathing. Your tears of sadness. For the son who seems out of reach. For the father who never truly saw you. Tears for the mother and husband who in their own fear failed to help. Failed to...

Healing comes from a new feeling, not new insight!

Emotional, psychological hurt lodges in the deep recesses of our unconscious memory. Traumatic hurt of the type visited upon us by chronic insults to the quality of our security, both as children and as adults, lodges in places in our brain which cognitive behavioral...

Relationship Revolution

We are in need of a Relationship Revolution on the planet! This revolution starts with emotional awareness of self. Lots more to come from me on this subject. Stand by!  

Shame on you! Really??

Yesterday after the Senate failed to pass background check legislation a woman in the gallery yelled, “Shame on you!” Today, President Obama, in response to this the vote to not enlarge background checks, declared “All in all, today was a pretty...

Helping our loved ones – Helping ourselves!

I recently studied with Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., a leading clinician and researcher on Trauma/PTSD and chronic relational trauma, to which many of us are exposed in childhood. A core takeaway: help your friends, family and loved ones “calm down” with...