After 10 months of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, the female partner of a couple who came into therapy reeling from an infidelity and an reactive domestic violence who was able to lean into a very old fear and stay engaged with her partner. When questioned, judged or simply not listened to she would emotionally shut down and physically pull away. “I leaned in and the fever broke. I now know the I need to rebuild my life and I can’t always look to my partner to make that happen. I need to share of myself.” Her partner pulled close to her and without words offered the safe place she has been wanting her entire life, the safe place that made leaning into the fear possible, an action dramatically different from wanting to help her by offering the logical fix that typified his contribution to their disconnection.
If your relationship continues to labor with the “fever” of disconnection, when what you truly yearn for is safe intimacy consider attending;
Hold Me Tight Seattle; A Couples Workshop, Oct 18-20, Hotel Westin, Downtown Seattle
Space is Limited, Early Bird Discount Ends Sept 18th