Therapy for Men

Let’s awaken a more positive, powerful masculinity in you!

  • Do you have anger issues?
  • Find it difficult to trust others or connect on emotional levels?
  • Repeatedly come up against the same barriers in your life or career?
  • Have difficulty parenting and connecting with your children?
  • Have challenges engaging with your employees or colleagues?
  • Increasingly fight with your wife or partner, or struggle to stay faithful?
  • Find yourself looking at internet porn more frequently?
  • Feel anxious, depressed or alone?

If you answer yes to any of these, you are not alone. Therapy can help.

I help men develop more authentic, honest, and rewarding relationships. My approach is grounded in the knowledge that you are completely capable of transforming what may be handicapping your life. 

As a male therapist, I am able to share and deeply understand the experience of what it is to be a man in today’s world. I have spent the last 20 years doing men’s work that explores both toxic and positive masculinity. I’ve found there are many men searching for connection, belonging, and a healthy empowerment in a world that tells us it can be found only by wielding power over others. 

My therapy for men is not about being nicer to others; it is about becoming more emotionally aware, less reactive and more in-control of your innate individual power. You have a power within you to be fully who you are, not who society, culture, religion, your father, mother, other men or women told you you should be. 

Coming into a greater awareness of the limiting messages passed down to us is the first step toward unlocking your true potential and living a more satisfying life. The next step is becoming aware of and accepting the full breadth of your emotions. It can be challenging and frightening to get to know ourselves in this way, but the rewards are profound.

Societal messages about how men are supposed to show up may be a strong contributing factor to your distress in all relationships. Most men have been told the manly thing to do is to buck up, keep your head down, don’t be a wimp, don’t cry, and move on! There are many times when this strategy can actually harm you, your wife, partner, children, friends, co-workers or your community. 

I will serve as your partner in creating a healthier, more powerful masculinity that builds confidence and grows stronger relationships in all aspects of your life.

Ready to Get Started?

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Client Testimonials


“I reached out to Joseph for help with my relationship with my daughter before she left for college. I never expected the profound change that occurred after only a handful of sessions….Joseph has given me tools to show up and really listen to her. The impact on my father-daughter relationship has extended to others as well.”

Thank you for helping me to be a better partner for my wife, for helping me to better manage my path in this world as a caring and empathetic husband.”

“Much of the peace I’m feeling about my life, after several years of being truly stuck, is due to your help. I can not thank you enough!”

“There’s been a lot of positive change in my life over these last 2 years — you have helped lead me to a much healthier way of thinking, acting, and being that has led to very positive changes.”

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